Top Questions to Ask Your Nevada Personal Injury Attorney

Great Conversation Starters for Your Initial Consultation with an Injury Lawyer in Las Vegas

From seeing advertisements about a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas, many people are used to the phrase “contact an attorney now.” However, this leaves out factors such as what the person should say when contacting that attorney. Given that, for many people, it would be their first contact with an attorney, there is usually some trepidation and anxiety about the matter beforehand. To help alleviate that, we’ve compiled a list of great conversation-starters to ask an injury lawyer in Las Vegas during your initial consultation, whether you choose The Schnitzer Firm or not.

personal injury boulder city

How much money will this cost me if my case has merit?

There’s nothing wrong about wanting to know what to reasonably expect to pay. You may be pleasantly surprised. Depending on the nature of the incident and the likelihood of a legal victory, most injury lawyers will even work with you on a “contingency” basis, meaning that they’ll accept a portion of the damages won as payment, leaving you not needing to pay out of pocket.

Is it worth it for me to continue with my claim?

Even if a Las Vegas personal injury law firm determines that your claim has merit, it is worth asking the value of a potential legal victory. You should then discuss the amount of time that you would need to invest in securing such a victory. Of course, it will always end up being a personal decision for you to make.

personal injury attorney boulder city

What experience do you have in this type of lawsuit?

Though it may feel uncomfortable or awkward to ask this question, it is germane to know what experience your personal injury attorney has in the type of case you’re seeking to win. If a lawyer has little or no experience in that field, you may be starting a claim out at a disadvantage. There is nothing wrong with asking about the professional experience; after all, you are paying for professional services!

What will happen in the event of a case loss?

One source of anxiety that will likely be shared among you and your legal team is the potential for you not to win your case, even if it seems highly likely that you will. This question is especially important to ask lawyers who operate on a contingency basis. It is not an insult to ask a lawyer this; if anyone understands that, regardless of experience in the field, there’s always a chance that unforeseen circumstances can uproot a case, it would be a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas.

Do you have past clients or references I could talk to?

Just as job candidates are regularly asked during the application phase, it is not unreasonable to request to discuss others’ experiences with the law firm you’ve chosen. This can help you get a better feel of how the firm operates, and you can hear from an unbiased party.

personal injury attorney Henderson

What would I need to do in the event of a lawsuit?

As the plaintiff, you will always have a level of involvement in a lawsuit. While a lot of the details will be abstracted away by professionals who specialize in them, you will likely be required to play an active role in your case for it to be successful.

What is a standard time frame for this type of case?

Different types of civil cases have different usual time frames. It is typically dependent on the complexity of the case and the information the case relies upon. A legal team that specializes in the matter could give you a relatively accurate estimate of this. This will help you to further understand the investment you will need to make during the process.

Getting Started If you believe you might have a case to discuss with an injury lawyer in Las Vegas, there’s no time like the present. If you prefer to talk, drop us a line at 702-960-4050. For those keener on writing, please email us at or fill out our form. The Schnitzer Law Firm has agents standing by around the clock waiting for your inquiry.