Understanding Las Vegas Bike Laws: What Drivers and Bikers Need to Know
As people in Nevada grow more active, many of them have taken to riding bikes as a means of transportation. For some, it is to increase their fitness and for others to reduce pollution from vehicle exhaust. Still, others use bicycles to reduce the costs of gasoline in their cars. Whatever someone’s reason is for riding a bike, it is important for drivers and bikers alike to understand Las Vegas bike laws.
Same Rights and Laws
In the state of Nevada, bicycles must follow the same laws as motorized vehicles, but they also have equal rights. According to bike lane laws in Nevada, bicycles must stay to the right of traffic unless they are turning left. If the traffic is slow-moving and a bicycle can keep up with the flow, they may ride in the lane with traffic. Bikes must obey all traffic signs and signals. They must also use hand signals for turns and stops. Cyclists may ride in twos but should ride in single file while in traffic. Never ride close to a car or in their blind spot and be prepared to stop suddenly. In Nevada, it is illegal to hold a motorized vehicle while on a bicycle.
Motorized Vehicles
If you are riding in a motorized vehicle and need to pass a bicycle, you must either move into the left lane to do so, if possible. If you cannot move completely into the road, you must pass the bicycle with at least three feet clearance. Las Vegas bike laws place the responsibility on the motorist to pass safely, not the bicycle. At an intersection, motorized cars must yield to crossings the same way they do for other vehicles or pedestrians. Cars should never park in bike lanes or paths unless it is an emergency. Remember that inexperienced riders, like children, can be unpredictable so give them additional courtesy.
For more details on the legal responsibilities of drivers around cyclists, visit Nevada bicycle laws and what drivers need to know.
Riding at Night
If you choose to ride a bicycle at night, be sure to wear bright, reflective clothing, even in well-lit areas. Bike laws in Nevada require a white lamp in the front that is visible from 500 feet and a red tail reflector that is visible from 300 feet. Also, there must be reflective material on the bike that is visible to the low beams of a car from at least 600 feet away.
Bike Safety Options
Make sure that anyone riding a bike has the right size bicycle. Children should be able to sit on the seat with their knees straight and feet flat on the ground while adults should be able to sit on the seat with the knee slightly bent when the foot is on the pedal in the lowest position. Helmets can reduce injury by 85 percent and should always be worn on bicycles. The helmet should fit, so two fingers fit between it and your eyebrows on your forehead. The straps should form a V around each ear and make sure it pulls when you open your mouth. That way you know the fit is correct. For more details on safety measures and the laws surrounding cycling, read rules of the road for pedestrians and cyclists in Nevada.
If you have been injured in a bicycle crash, contact the Schnitzer Law Firm today to see how we can help. You can schedule an appointment by phone, email or by filling out the secure online form.