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What to Know If an Insurance Company Ignores Your Car Accident Demand Letter
If you have been injured in car accidents in Las Vegas, you can get the help you need from the experienced personal injury lawyer at The...
National Laws for Truck Drivers To Help Reduce Crashes
Trucking crashes can have a devastating impact on drivers, passengers, and others on the road in Las Vegas and around the country. When a...
7 Tips for Driving During the Winter
Inclement winter weather increases the odds of car accidents significantly, including potentially fatal ones. As a result, there are seven tips...
A Growing Problem in America: Drowsy Driving
While almost everyone knows about the dangers of drunk driving, and widespread campaigns have highlighted the risks of texting while driving,...
Guide to Navigating an Accident Due to a Car Defect
If you’ve recently experienced a car accident, you’re not alone. About 25% of all car drivers experience at least one accident each year in...
What Qualifies as Medical Malpractice?
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United...
Before Posting, Here’s How Social Media Could Hurt Your Personal Injury Case
It's undeniable that social media has permeated every layer of our society. With almost every demographic shifting to primarily digital...
7 Ways a Personal Injury Lawyer Could Help Win Your Case
You may have heard the term “personal injury lawyer,” but you may not be aware of what that actually means. After an injury, a personal injury...
Eye Opening Reasons to Not Negotiate Your Car Accident on Your Own
If you've been injured in car accidents in Las Vegas, you may be dealing with insurance companies and thinking about negotiating your own...
Understanding Workers’ Compensation as a Business in Nevada
One of the most important things to understand as a business owner is workers’ compensation in Nevada. Las Vegas personal injury attorneys...
When Do You Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?
You've been injured in a car crash, slip-and-fall accident, motorcycle accident, bus or truck collision or another incident caused by someone...
Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice
You have probably heard the terms “personal injury” and “medical malpractice” from injury lawyers in Las Vegas. Although medical malpractice is...